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Jace Herondale: Pfft whatever Iz. I'm amazing, as always. Dads had me training like a bitch past few days. How's things over your end? Sept 23, 2013 6:24:52 GMT -7
Seraphina Morgenstern: Not bad, bored with nothing to do. *shoots Izzy a 'what-are-you-doing' look* Sept 23, 2013 20:32:53 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: Well clearly we can change that ;) Sept 24, 2013 3:58:52 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: *jumps on Jace's back* SURPRISE!! Sept 28, 2013 9:06:18 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: WAHHHHH! *spins Luke round on his back* how ya doing luke? Sept 29, 2013 14:13:31 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: *clings to Jace* Gooood *laughs as Jace spins* How about you? Sept 30, 2013 13:25:46 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: fine and dandy thanks *sets down* you're far too tall to be getting piggy backs from me....MY TURN! *jumps on* Sept 30, 2013 13:32:07 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: AGH!! *laughs and hooks his arms under Jace's knees* Where to? *smiles wide* Sept 30, 2013 15:37:29 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: *lies in his arms rather flamboyantly, like a damsel in distress* take me to the moon young sir! Sept 30, 2013 16:07:09 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: The moon? That's a little hard to do *Drops Jace's back like he's going to drop him, but catches him last second, laughing* Sept 30, 2013 16:16:42 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: pffft such a let down. *eyes widen slightly as he drops and let's out a little breath as he's caught again* LUKE! bloody hell. *hits him in the arm playfully* Sept 30, 2013 16:31:30 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: *hysterically laughing at Jace's reaction* HAHAHA!! Alright, you're getting heavy, you do a lot more training than I do, and trust me, now I know that muscle weighs more than fat. *lets Jace down* Sept 30, 2013 16:34:02 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: *lands lightly on the floor* yeah, you should stop being lazy, really. Actually, don't stop. If you start training more i don't know how anyone will manage with muscle AND height. Except me, obviously, cause I'll still kick your butt. *grins* Sept 30, 2013 16:45:37 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: *crosses his arms defensively* I am not lazy! Just because I enjoy reading and studying more than training like you, doesn't mean I'm weak either! *then breaks into a grin* Yeah, whatever blondie. You keep telling yourself that. Sept 30, 2013 16:59:00 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: Never said you were weak, just weaker than me! Bahahahha bring it on Lukey :P Sept 30, 2013 23:38:38 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: What're you going to do? Out fab me with that mop of hair? Why don't you go scrub pots with it, that'll work better than an abrasive. *smirks* Oct 1, 2013 12:06:28 GMT -7
Jace Herondale: I out fab everyone, everytime. And my hair is soft as a baby's bum, thank you very much! *pouts* Oct 2, 2013 14:07:39 GMT -7
Lukas Hexcaster: Mhm, okay. Well, good for you, knowing what a baby's bum feels like. *chuckles* Kidding, you know I love you. *pats his back* Oct 2, 2013 18:19:53 GMT -7
Aurora Nyx: I miss RPing. Any other members out there that wanna get this ball rolling again? Dec 11, 2016 12:04:01 GMT -7
seraphina: Hiiii Guys , I'm Seraphina Herondale , New here :D ;), hope to fight along all of u! May 25, 2021 9:13:34 GMT -7
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